Thursday, January 8, 2009

Modeling A Person.

One thing in taking pictures of people is that you have to get them to do it with you. Another thing is that not everybody is photogenic, and with those people you really have to work on either the background of the scene or making them more photogenic. The latter part is much harder and not used as often. I'm still learning on how take good pictures of people and while I'm still learning one thing that is helping me is my younger sister Esther. She loves having her picture taken and is pretty good at obeying what I want done. And, from what I've heard, she's a pretty photogenic person.


Farm Kids said...

She is so pretty!!

Susie said...

LOL!! I love it Esther! Great job on the photos John.

Kyleigh M. said...

she's so beautiful!! i love that hat!!

Jon's Photography said...

Thanks. Yes, the hat was quite becoming. Mom even thought it was cute!