Monday, January 12, 2009

Taking Pictures.

The past couple of weeks have been pretty busy. With lots of complications in the past couple years I haven't been able to get my license till now. So now I am actually going to getting new pictures of people and places! Which is making me very excited.
While battling the fight of school like every other teenager, I am also trying to work on my photography. I find myself juggling school, photography, daily life activities, and other responsibilities many times throughout the week. I am basically saying that if there are moments of my absence it is probably because I have been caught up in the other world that I live in called "daily, weekly, and monthly responsibilities". Don't worry, I take pictures through out the day, but it is normally a picture here and there. When I have the time I come back and uploaded them.

Thanks to some supporters I am hoping to get some new pictures up before the end of this week! Hopefully there will be some very unique pictures! In the mean time, relax and enjoy the ones that I have up.


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